Wednesday, June 9, 2021




The question that hits every simple mind is, what is the need for introducing the concept of coding to children? Well, before mentioning the reason for it, one should understand the meaning of coding. Coding is the procedure to communicate in programming language and obtain the meaningful output. All the websites, applications, software and Electronic appliances are Based on the mechanism of coding and programming. Since computers are one of the greatest human inventions of all time, It is mandatory for children, especially before their teenage years, to understand the foundations of coding to help them build their own technological programs. 

The coding world is gaining worldwide attention day-by-day, and according to the recent statistics, within a decade, the majority of jobs would be coding-based. There is an increasing competition among computer experts to grab a good job at the MNCs, but because of lack of proper guidance, they probably fail to achieve that milestone. The reasons could be many. Unavailability of good books, lack of specialization and right mentorship are some of the exclusive reasons behind this.


Why should kids learn coding from books? 

As it has been said earlier that coding is the new tool of this generation, kids must discover the potential to the fullest and decide themselves in the thoughtful process of learning to code. Educational portals like FutoLearn help children to get out of the cynicism associated with Coding. These portals are expertly reviewed and technically discuss about all the aspects of coding. Apart from coding, AI courses by FutoLearn and the book Coding Concepts Visualized involve computational thinking can also be used in other situations as they can help solve practical problems related to coding and programming.

Picking up a language; ruby, python, and javascript is a mandatory step. Some people would only use javascript to start website building which is also not advisable. One should definitely go through the documentation provided to them to ensure that the coder is well acquainted with the terminologies and methodologies associated with them. Following the demos and walkthroughs are essential as well.

The best source to look for a good coding book for kids:

In the physical market, there are thousands of books on coding that claim themselves to be apt for children. But the complexity in understanding, processing and grasping these concepts is a big deal in time slight today, especially for kids who are beginners at coding need to pace up themselves to understand the foundations. So, in order to lessen their burden and teach them coding with fun, books must be chosen selectively. Books that are to be chosen must be available in bulk at markets, must be edited and published well, must have in-text references and must be cost-effective.

Most programming books are immensely lengthy and focus on conventional coding methods, which aren't at all effective for children. These books provide a place where codes are already written, and you just have to cut and paste them to create a desired program. This ensures that you don't type in codes of your own, and you don't learn creatively. So the creative aspect must be looked upon a couple of times to ensure that the level of coding is satisfactory.

Some of the prominent Coding Books for kids:

Here are some suggested books to guide kids to teach them the foundations of coding and programming.

Some of the advised books exclusively.

  • CodingConcepts Visualized: FutoLearn 
  • Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. ...
  • Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd by Jon Erickson.
  • Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by Charles Petzold.

For learning the language Javasript:

JavaScript for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming by Nick Morgan.

1. The C Programming Language - Ritchie & kernighan.

2. C: The Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt.

3. C: How to Program - Deitel.

For learning the language C++:

1. The C++ programming language by Bjarne Stroustrup

2. C++: The Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt

For learning the language Java:

1. Head First Java

2. Java: How to Program - Deitel

3. Java: The Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt.

Knack about using Coding Books:

Basically, it means that anyone book would work great for kids. These books do not comprise any exaggerated words, phrases or concepts. Every Code is linked to illustrations and examples with an extra bit of information. A lot of exercise and practice assets are also linked so as to ensure that the kids don't get bored during the meantime and concentrate on understanding the concepts. Kids must focus on learning and executing. They must be provided with their device to actually apply the concepts they learn from the book. A periodic test from a parent or a guide would work as well. After the completion of the book, kids must focus on re-learning and revising these concepts every day to ensure that they don't lose their grip. Some kids might perform very well at the beginning, and some kids might not perform well, but it is a subjective matter. They must focus on reading these coding concepts again and again so as to ensure that they reduce the frequency of their mistakes.

Educational portals like FutoLearn again help out kids with this because most of its information is specially designed for kids, and a majority of its concepts are application-based. Aspects of coding are not at all complex. Apart from coding, AI courses by FutoLearn and the book Coding Concepts Visualized involve critical analysis on coding and programming subjects to ensure that the child understands the system of the mechanism or the application. Finding an excellent coding book is the real deal, but these portals and books may help you out with that.

The reality of using books for coding for kids:

Most often, coders sound to be non-pragmatic when it comes to reading. Kids who Code for a living, or teenagers or even adults who are officially handling a coding job seldom find time for reading. The reason could be many but not reading could be a massive drawback as it reduces the chances of getting better at coding. Community coders and Search Engine Optimization Consultants often read and always suggest their fellows read more. Reading to some seems mundane but increases the diligence of the work profile. It enables coders to improve their accuracy and deliberately improves their time management skills. Coding Books are the best guide that every coder out there must refer to get better at coding at a faster rate. 

The best books are those books that actually explain to the reader about the importance, examples and concepts related to coding and programming. These books ensure that children learn through fun and creative methods. These books do not use hyperbolic terms rather written in a personal tone using animated figures and numbers so like to make the book seem as a collection of bewildering concepts rather than a mere collection of data stacked upon white pages.

Some experts also suggest that online sources could be considered as one of the fast-growing sectors in terms of purchasing of goods because of reasonable prices and tag of discount. Readers usually purchase coding books from the internet. Book stores these days have a shortage of kinds of stuff regarding Coding or programming because of high demand at Online Retailing Shops. The coding books available on online websites have other facilities as well. Therefore, coding books should be purchased through online retailing and shouldn't be purchased from random book vendors to maintain the source or the authenticity of the book. These books would definitely work as a pillar of support to its readers.

How to use a coding book for kids:

A straightforward thing every kid needs is mentorship and guidance. Single-handedly, one can't declare that coding is not complex or very soothing. The reality is something different. Learning to code is really a big deal, and one must devise a considerable amount of time. Reading coding books is imperative. Any expert coder would definitely say that he/she needs to be grounded and curious at the same time. Children must be interested in the scopes, and advantages coding provides. Coding would not only offer them financial stability but would also enhance their ability to learn, think and contemplate various creative things. It would improve their concentration and analytical skills to a high level. As conceptualized, coding is a non-conventional form of art; it's very different in reality. This generation must seek up to the highest level of technological advancement.

Educational portals like FutoLearn involve acknowledging these dilemmas. It enlightens the readers about the need and understanding of coding. It includes various types of illustrations to enhance the acceptability of its content. AI courses by FutoLearn and the book Coding Concepts Visualized also compels you to learn about coding and various adversities related to coding.

Demand for coding and associated information:

Starting from Multinational Companies to all kinds of technical job providers like Google, Amazon or Yahoo, all search for expert coders. So, one has to understand the importance of coding before it is too late for the person to acknowledge these things. One needs to understand that the upcoming jobs in the recent decades would be coding based and all of them are highly lucrative. However, some coders claim that the range of their salary is pretty high after working under the same organization for some years. There are some coders who invest a lot of time in learning coding at their adult age which is a backdrop because adult age is the time to apply the skills that are learnt through the young years. Facts, figures and statistics are to be discovered at the juvenile stage and use them in the later years so that the learning gets fully executed.

Initially, kids must learn the codes from the explicitly recommended books and to test their learning depth and they must devise in making games and applications. They must not be allowed to make stubborn codes at the starting so as to ensure that they remain creative and jolly at the same time. They should be restricted from internet abuse as well. Guidance from parents again plays a crucial role here. Children should never lose the interest in learning for the sake of emphasis on professional coding. They must always remain vigilant to go through coding books, practice their lessons and read as much as they could. They must also refer to the sources provided by FutoLearn to ensure that they're adequately channelized and making further betterments.


Technology in today's world is one of the most advanced fields. Today's generation is more into illustrative learning through videos rather than focusing on the stagnant texts from the book. But, getting knowledge from a good book about the various concepts related to coding would induce a permanent picture. Children most often hate to refer to books for knowledge or information, but it is the duty of their guardians to let the child know the importance of learning from books. The child must not feel divisive from the actual meaning and motive of coding rather than conceptualize coding as a powerful tool to ensure that his/her learning is progressive.

Book learning is a more elaborative approach to coding. One must learn the basics, intermediate and challenging levels to determine and evaluate this as learning. Kids find books as foreign material and often tend to adjust themselves forcefully in order to compensate for learning. But, in the present time, coding books are designed especially for kids with all kinds of facts and figures with happening pictures. Pictorial forms of coding is more prominent these days because pictures attract children a lot. More focus should be given to learning programming languages so that kids get to know about how to control the language aspect of computers. At the initial stages, they must focus on creative learning, and after years, they could take up coding as their source of livelihood with expertise and pass through flying colors.

Here are some FAQs:

1.  Will the coding books help me learn the subjects deeply?

Yes, they will, start with some basic books like FutoLearn’s Coding Concepts visualized and you may also enroll for the courses they provide to get a deep knowledge regarding programming.

2.  Can it be learnt in 6 months or so?

This depends on your goals. You can easily complete the basics if you spend proper attention and hours on coding.

3. Which coding is best for me?

This depends upon what are your preference areas for programming as a career and then you can research upon which language would be best for you

4. Where can I find the best online coding and AI courses?

Please refer to and scroll for your preferences. Do contact us for more details on anything related to logical reasoning, digital marketing, coding for kids, and much more.


  Introduction:   The question that hits every simple mind is, what is the need for introducing the concept of coding to children? Well, b...